>>7442646See, there’s the Cybertronian church and senate.
The church was heavily into alt mode being your caste, and the senate was just corrupt. Both hated animal modes.
Both lead to rebellion, the Autobot Rebels lead by Optimus and the Decepticon Revolutionists lead by Megatron destroying the old Autobot government.
Then Megatron realized both the Decepticons and Autobots couldn’t form a single government together and decided instead of two nations, he’d just kill his former allies. Decepticons got worse and worse as the war went on.
Shockwave is the core of IDW. He was a corrupt senator who pissed off the rest of the senate and the church, resulting inhaving his emotions removed and being physically disfigured. So he was crazy and without empathy.
He pushed the Decepticons to become worse and worse, then after trying to destroy the universe and recreate it in his own image he accidently ended the war, and also went back in time. He killed and took the identity of Onyx Prime, god of animal modes, then assembled the Primes and killed them mostly off, then created the evil church in the first place as a bastardized version of the real faith while corrupting the senate.
Then created Unicron.
Our joke is that everything and everyone is secretly Shockwave planning against himself. There are no Cybertronians, just time traveling Shockwaves.
Anon’s joke is the senate and church were heroes.