Vintage Collection
by God, that`s so crazy it might just work!
or it still would today if distributers and Hasbro pulled there heads out of there asses and fixed this Shittastic distribution. ive been an IRL hunter since i was 8, and i enjoyed the thrill, running to the toy aisle while mom bought groceries to see what new Star Wars figures where in stock, finding the coolest one, and getting it with my own cash from summer and odd jobs. and it never did stop, with me being an unshaven college kid still with that twinkle of hope in his eye. DESU the spontaneity of the Wal-Mart run of the Black Series 3 3/4 was kinda cool, as i would go after work and often find brand new figures, on top of having the cash to get more then one. shit was pretty cool, aside from mom thinking i was a faggot, but thats whatever
then this VC 2 stuff happens, and all my hopes as a IRL hunter where crushed. Missed release deadlines, shittastic distribution, way too many straight re-releases (still on fence about photoreal faces on rehashed bodies), and obvious price gouging ( what was standard in articulation and detail is now the premium price). its now April and i havent even seen a glimmer of the January Wave showing up. just piles of fucking Jihad Reys and Snokes. and hell, even those had a hard time being distributed at first. i found them at a run down Wal-Mart i had eliminated from my pool of hunting grounds because of how shitty the area was. and even that was a month late.
I`ve now had to become hip to the times and using online stores. i know this may not be a big deal to most people, but it feels like a bit of me died. where`s the fun of the hunt when your prey is incapacitated?