>>7535962>selling legoyou don't. Unless you're a methhead and need to sell property for a hit, or in a real dire situation, you never sell.
The price for selling might or might not be high, but the value will always be high. With that comes the calculations - do you take time to sort it out, part out builds and make a catalog on bricklink, or just toss it to a bucket and measure by looks / weight? Since you're saying you can't be bothered, I'm assuming you are are likely to go for the second option. That always comes down to two things - you sell high above price to an enthusiastic collector, or sell low to a lucky normie.
I would suggest doing two things my man.
First is to open bricklink and find a respectable vendor in your location. Sign a contract about trade/profit (side note - lmao how would you sue him for missing lego pieces without box, that's just for psychological advantage, t. lawyer) or even without, either sell it to him under price or have him sort it and evaluate it / buy it / sell it for you. Us lego freaks are usually friendly and won't scam you but you never know.
Second option, give them to me, I'll evalute and appreciate/size up your content.
tldr: for best profit, sort them yourself, for lowest effort, sell by weight.