>>7547207>Literally moving the goalposts when the first 7 words was literally about Merchandise for the BUMBLEBEE MOVIE & not how movie was influencing it.Your actually retarded so this'll be your last (you). Savour it
>Nope, Studio Series is pretty much trash, but I guess you're easy to please. Enjoy your future Michael Bay Transformers movies. :-)Literally on damage control. No wonder Hasbro doesn't want to try with Knightvirgin trash, manbabies like you can't stop crying that even though Bay's continuity is on deaths door, Hasbro still focuses on it because people actually like those designs. But you know while were enjoyying our RotF Devastators you'll still be crying for them to stop because Bay lives Rent free & changed the franchise for the better ultimately unlike your already forgotten by Hasbro Knightvirgin Trash
>There's plenty of good figures to show for it. If you're expecting them to come from Hasbro, or any line (other than maybe MP and MPM), you're barking up the wrong tree.Actually needing 3rd parties to throw you a bone is beyond pathetic. Hasbro gives 0 fucks about those trash designs & chooses to focus on designs in a dead series makes Knightvirgins trash look even worse by comparison.
Also this is Toyworld were talking about. They give more of a fuck of making Constructor repaints than Knightvirgins trash. There the only ones who care enough to make knightvirgin trash.= but you Did not realize that Toyworld are also making TLK stuff with there prime, WW2 Bumblebee & Bulldog plus Dorito starscream that transforms into a bi-plane for added fuck you's. So don't act like everyones just jumped ship from Bay's designs because no one has.