>>7558963>theyThen don't watch it. Move to another franchise. Major companies have never given a shit what you want and they never will. IP owners can do as they please. You want to end IP ownership? Fine. Kill 95% of the entertainment industry dead and turn what little remains into an uncontrolled clusterfuck of bad fanfiction.
You can thank Harrison Ford for Han Solo dying, BTW. He hates SW now and hates you fans. Quick, do not look up what Alec Guinness thought of the films or the fans either, or you might be totally rekt. Not everyone who makes these films cares about the characters or the fans. They do them for money. James Cameron probably doesn't give a shit about this series anymore. They make what they believe will sell and no one is patting Trump supporter son the ass and no one ever will. Even Michael "I hate all black people and see women as a hole to fuck" Bay is making a movie bashing him. Nor is ever non-white casting a "forced agenda". You just want it to be. Even TSSC had a big plot point about John not actually being as important as we think, when he time travels to the future and someone else starts the resistance while he's absent.
They listen if you don't spend money, otherwise fuck you. I didn't buy Abrams bullshit time travel Star Trek reboot or fucking Doom 2016 because they were shit, but complaining wouldn't have mattered. The company doesn't give a remote fuck. They only care if sales drop. Drop enough sales and they might care- or not. Not every lost sale is due to "diversity" either, noone can blame diversity on Fallout 76 being a pile of shit(which is probably why none of the alt-right "cry about Ghostbusters or Battlefield V" assholes ever mention it- doesn't fit their narrative). Not every lost sale has them bending over backwards to please a vocal minority.
Go create your own franchise if you want 100% absolute control, because I'm tired of your whiny crybaby shit, Milo-anon.