>>7634061>And? You still agreed with it. So that doesn't change my point in the slightest.I'll take the less abundant but nice products over the numerous turds, which was my point. Ever hear of quality over quantity? Would you rather have five cars that don't run or one that does?
>I'm not defending MP-44 but the determining of price has different properties than Toyworld. Toyworld don't have to pay any licencing fee's to Hasbro & comes with a lot less accessories (both normal & deluxe vers) that segregates them in price.Sure, these are valid points, but how does that affect me as a buyer? Ultimately I'll go for the less expensive product if the quality is the same. So ultimately we've gone from 1. "that's not a fair comparison, that figure is less expensive!" to 2. "that's not a fair comparison, HasTak has other factors they have to be concerned with that drive up the costs!" At the end of the day, 3rd parties are offering the better products, and their HasTak equivalents are more expensive to boot. Enjoy your turds.
>You should really look at the whole picture instead of just your narrow minded 2There both MP's so everyone will buy both DERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR". I never said the same people would be buying both. I've clarified twice, and you still don't understand. Good lord.
>>7634070Okay, now show the robot modes. SS38 looks terrible. Meanwhile, Toyworld's back end of the truck mode is crummy, but it looks substantially better than SS38 from the front. So basically, if you plant to display the truck mode, and only the truck mode, backwards in your display, then SS38 is definitely the better choice.