>>7664505I've dated enough girls that weren't into nerdy shit to know that it's 100% a dealbreaker. I love Godzilla more than them, and it'll likely remain that way 'til I begin to think about marriage.
>>7664682I never understood the "MonsterVerse Godzilla is too fat" sentiment. He's just as thicc as any of 'em. Hell, Heisei had big ol' thunderthighs, Shin is shaped like a pear, and Earth is a totally roundboi.
>>7664772I plan on putting most of my Godzillas in storage, or maybe even selling them, once I get this X-Plus G. It's a showpiece item worth making room for.
>>7664838I definitely plan on hooking speakers up to it, but I'm a bigger fan of the "primordial echo" vibe heard in "Memories of San Francisco", "The First Gods", and "King of the Monsters." If I were better at editing, I'd love to mix the elements of those three songs that I enjoy the most for it.