>>7736357While I'm at it:
>RampageAngry at only being considered for the team after the promotion of a previous member because said previous member was a thug. Rampage is the demolitions expert, able to tear down any structure given time.
>Long HaulGets along with Overload, he is the guy hauling things away from the site and generally treated by the team as not fit for building, which Long Haul resents. His brawler side makes him a great asset to the team.
>ScrapmetalThe runt of the team and gets the most shit thrown at him. Gets given a lot tedious tasks and doesn't get thanked for it. Has an admiration and bond for Hightower, who is the only member who has a bit of appreciation for him.
>MixmasterThe chemical and explosives expert. The fumes and chemicals have made Mixmaster a bit insane and unpredictable despite being brilliant. He is afraid of combat and makes sure he can be protected from fire on all sides.
>ScavengerA compassionate and lonely guy, his size allows him to protect the rest of the team. Immensely loyal, he will fight for his team to make sure they are okay. He will do anything for his "family".
>ScrapperThe quiet leader of the team. He is sane and level-headed despite being a brawler. His understanding of construction and strategy (plus his fighting ability) allowed Megatron to put him in charge of such an incompatible team.
>OverloadBoth a hauler and a builder, he is the best of both worlds. Obsessed with building to the point of being almost a drone (autism), he sees eye to eye with the members of the team that thrive in getting projects done. Gets enraged when interrupted of building (with blame pointed at the Autobots) and uses his anger to win battles quickly.