>>7775410Cause it was a loaner from his friend Robert D. who purchased the D4 release which was shipped directly, so everyone seem to be getting that one first.
I'm still in debates about getting it for a few reasons. One is space in general. But even if I did shuffle things around to make the room, I don't have anything that's that premiere to share space with, save maybe Gigapower dinos, but even then, that's a stretch. And even with FT being by and far (and far) superior, I do have Kadmos as a Star Saber. Though that's not to say I don't have both Superator & G2 Grinder as Grimlocks, and multiple different Primes. I'd love to get from TFS, but being in CA nets me being taxed for it, and that's a big hit. Then BBTS & TD are both listed as OOS on orders. So if I'm to go for it, it's really TCP or bust.