>>7782863>it sounds like you think the paintjob is going to be shit. The figure hasn't been released yet. How can i say it's shit? Again, based on their record, it doesnt' bode well, but i can't say it's shit.
Again, you're trying to claim everything i don't like is shit, when that's false. Again, i'm talking about how shit their efforts are. Basic paint apps and stickers isn't literally bad, it's that they're a poor effort compared to companies who put more value into their toys, like Sentinel.
Everything i've said is in my other posts, which you didn't bother to read.
>maybe you should articulate it betterI don't speak retard. Nor is it my fault you guys are getting triggered and don't bother to finish reading what I've said before you start posting about how wrong i am.
>if we're all so retarded, why don't you consider finding a community that isn't?You shitposters only make up a small portion of 4chan. Just because you're loud and try to derail so many threads doesn't mean you are the entirety of /toy/. As I've stated in the past, a lot of threads were great, talking about different brands without outragers like you, until certain brands appropriated the licenses. 75+ posters was the norm too. Now? You can't say negative shit about various Japanese branded figure without derailing those formerly great thread
Also, what's the point of my Darkseid? Just so you can say everything i like is shit? You guys constantly claim i don't post my collection, but i constantly post them all the time, just to prove I know what I'm talking about, unlike you guys. Nothing but shit just to change the subject and leads to further denials.
Again, I've posted him, but since you don't know that, it just shows you're just shitposters who derail threads trying to claim other people are me and just want to move the goalposts whenever possible, because you just want to say I'm wrong no matter what, because i said "your" brand isn't good.
Taking shit personally with 8 year grudges.