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Star Wars General: More People of Color Edition

No.7870880 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Last Thread: >>7862010

Heavy Infantry Mandalorian is up for pre-order at Best Buy:

Jannah is already a massive pegwarmer TO THE SURPRISE OF NO ONE. Disney will never let something as minor as poor sales get in the way of their agenda.

Recent reveals include figures like Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, Count Dooku, and Heavy Infantry Mandolorian. Gamestop has Jedi robes Darth Reven and Battlefront heavy battle droid up for pre-order.

Black Series character art has shown up, including Jar Jar Binks, Crait Luke, and Commander Bly.

Disney is already promising Baby Yoda merchandise, so all the shills who don't ask questions and just consume product and then get excited for next products are having their wishes granted.