>>7909405Monster high dolls were created as a response to MGA winning back the rights to Bratz in 2010 after Mattel tried to kill the MGA Bratz doll line which was outselling Barbie. So in hopes of fucking over the 2010 Bratz reboot, Mattel created Monster High which were basically Bratz with anerixic super model bodies and a Universal monster theme.
Mattel wanted to make sure they stole the spot light away from the relaunch of MGAs Bratz in 2010 so they decked the dolls out with every thing from fully articulated bodies, great quality cloths, to even bloody doll stands which is a rare thing to get included with playline dolls.
Mattel tried to do the same thing to Disney by releasing Ever After High once word got out that Disney wasn't happy with Mattel and were in talks with Hasbro to give them the Princess line. Mattel tried to kill/ over shadow the Disney Princess line by creating their own high quality doll line based on the daughters of iconic princesses. Ever After High dolls were also given ULTRA high quality outfits and doll stands. Something Mattel never gave the Disney princess dolls.
In the end Monster High, and Ever After High are now dead and Disney Princess dolls, and MGA dolls are more popular than ever. Mattel never gave a crap about Monster High or Ever After as they only created both lines to help kill the competition.
They couldn't kill the competition so they killed off both costly doll lines. First they made them as basic as possible to attract the "Walmart Moms", and later fazed them out completely Barbie is currently a fat brown cow who's into codding, and loves being a fat bee keeper.