>>7925627>>7930919Not that anyone will care about the opinion of an elderly namefag on a toy board, but I figure I may as well:
First off this fella admonishes folks for their behavior and then continues to behave the same way himself, and with tons of needless expletives.
>is barely fucking "lopsided"So it is lopsided. Someone that created a product, hires sculpts and painters and tries to sell a needless luxury product for profit should have their stuff together. They aren't hpbbyists making custom figures, they are a business with a production line and they are doing this to make money. It's not acceptable to have a sub-par product. Even you admit the eyes are off, you noticed it as well, then. Why should people not mention an easily correctable flaw in a product that is fetching collector's prices?
"Extreme autism", to me, would be denigrating people that just want a decent product for their money and telling them to shut up and accept a badly designed good., not to mention collecting toys yourself as an adult but telling people the "right" way to enjoy the goods they have purchased.
>>7931003Apparently some game store does reproductions of the original four with weapons for $32 a set.
>>7917221 >>7917223 unless of course I misunderstood and he got a second hand deal.
>>7916424The Target here is cutting down the floorspace for the toy section and put a lot of figures on clearance. I got one for $3.50 and he's the only Nickelodeon turtle figure I have since he fits in well with the old playmates figures.