>>7949761>>7949769Lol nice bait faggot, I'll bite anyway, I was actually getting prequel toys along with everyone else- it's not that they sold poorly, it's that stores ordered SO much of it that it was clearanced out for episode one.
The difference, the important difference, is that the prequels in general spawned countless designs and an entire Galaxy full of new troopers, droids, and aliens. There were significant speaking roles in all the movies for unique and fun looking characters.
The Sequel Trilogy has nothing but people and repainted vehicles. That's it. Boring looking, plain ass people. People in robes and brown jackets and tan pants and that's fucking it. Not a single new ship of any merit, no new hero vehicle, nothing. And as for background characters and ships, there's extremely few by comparison, and of what there is barely any of them got toys.
Look, I got through the entire post without bringing up diversity or feminism. Ill wait for your dumbass to gargle shit out of your keyboard again, and then continue to destroy you.