>>7982923>It's GenerationS, not GeneratioN. Cyberverse and Animated and RID15 designs have just as much of a right to be in Generations as G1 does.No it doesn't because the purpose of Generations is as I said, new updated versions of OLD characters. Those characters can get in in about 20 years. Right now, Unicron Trilogy is the oldest it gets, and it's still mostly G1 pandering because G1 has the biggest adult fanbase.
>Hasbro just doesn't give a shit because the fanbase is full of 40-something neckbeards who buy the same characters over and over again.Yeah I myself have 50 versions of Apeface, Flywheels, Blitzwing, Overlord, Punch/Counterpunch, each. You don't know what you're talking about quite frankly.
Cyberverse toys are new, they're on shelves now. RID2015 just happened. Go buy the toys you faggot fuck. You don't get into the big boy club unless you prove you're a fan of said things to begin with, and if you're lucky, 20 years from now you'll get some fan service in the adult line.