>>7992273I could care less who knows who I am, hence I'm not willing to post my shit on 4chan, unlike others. My process is pretty simple. I have several sections to my review, each one having its on individual cut (since you latch on to the number of cuts for some reason) resulting from anywhere from 10 to 15 cuts. Usually takes about an hour and half or so depending on how many times I fuck up in my commentary and have to reshoot a segment. I usually already know a fair deal about what I'm reviewing but I double check specifics I may be unsure about to make sure I'm getting everything right. After shooting I import all the shit I have into blender, cut up what needs to be cut up, add transitions, add a COPPA disclaimer and my title card and bam, done. I don't mess too much with the audio usually and I don't feel the need to add music to a 10 minute video of me talking about a toy. Then it's off to rendersville, which on my now aging 6700k can take a bit of time depending on what resolution I shot at. 4K takes fucking forever with my processor. Then I wait, usually an hour or so, for the video to upload. I don't fuck with analytics like I said earlier, and I'm sure that there's some effort required for that but it's not something super daunting, not moreso than making the actual video. If you're using some shitty laptop to render your video it probably takes 3 times as long. That's not a criticism, it's just trying to find an explanation to why it takes you so long. Your videos aren't some spectral to behold dude, they're fairly standard. The quality of my few videos are pretty close to yours, a little worse because I tend to trip up my words sometimes. But no difference from a technical standpoint.