>>8032698For the Microman homages at least, it's gotten cohesive enough that it's kind of become its own thing. Someone could have a decently complete microman collection with only kots figures and not even have any glyos figures outside of that. Outside a few other random homages, I think as a ratio Jesse's original character count is pretty high.
I think the real offenders of over-homages are Spy Monkey. They're basically nothing but homages (although their MotU figures are starting to come together pretty nicely now) and their lack of lore of any kind makes even their original characters boring unless they're a particularly cool deco. They should really put some effort into a story line. Give me a wave of like two heros and a few different orc army ranks and a short story and I'll buy back in. Then continue it next time and I'll be hooked. I really like the mold, but I'm kind of burnt out and I think my favorite wave is still the very first one with the standard orc and adventurer.
I think that's one thing Jesse has going for him, his willingness to just wrap anything up into one (absolutely silly, but cohesive) story. Right now since no one can order anything new, he's been recombining all his prepurchased stock into whatever combos he thinks are neat and then coming up with the character and how they fit in the narrative ("Use every part of the buffalo," he says). I think it's neat and I would love something like that from Spy Monkey.