>>8082040>>8081956another major difference is aparantly the tank doesnt screw in like it originally did. instead you twist the collar to remove it and it is grooved in the same sort of way the nerf barrel attachments are.
as far as performance goes, people have opened the sucker open and discovered that shockingly enough the pump is actually longer then the original which should mean it is stronger.
as far as perfomance to modern super soakers? not too sure, new shit has largely been outright gimmicky shit from the super soaker line for the past ten or so years. more or less just utilizing fancier versions of the same piston power found in common dollar store water pistols, they stopped using the actual super soaker tech that made a super soaker, a super soaker in the first place(air pressure system), let alone any of the CPS tech that was truly powerful. so it is possible that even this old model is actually on par if not better performance wise with modern super soakers, but only barely. third perty competitors on the other hand HAVE been using more powerful pressure systems and what not unlike Hasbro, so this would not hold up to them. however even those ones still are very weak compared to the famous CPS line, even the handful of cases where they utilized that same CPS tech themselves. none of the smaller companies want to risk releasing a $30+ water blaster that wont sell, and retailers are just as hesitant to even to agree to stock an expensive and large water blaster that takes up retail space and is only a seasonal item, unless maybe it was Super Soaker.