>>8136307Of the peices I lost, their were a few notable ones. One that I could never identify....A chest peice/backpack that had an offset peg on the chest and two downward facing pegs on the back. You could build jetpacks or add wings. Really cool peice, had to have been from an 80s set I got from my brother. Ive never been able to source an origin for this peice.
My Mom would also order individual one off peices from the Lego catalogue. IIRC, they'd occasionally use one-off unreleased peices in promotional shots. There's no direct translation for this word in English, but in German they were called schabrackes. It was the ceremonial cloth cover that knights would drape over their horses. I remember her ordering those specifically in all sorts of colors. Did the same thing with Playmobile...They used all chrome knights in some promotional shots but never released them in any sets. Somehow she was able to special order one through the company.