>>8192144Because of all the posting I found a source and watched it.
[spoiler:lit] wait, do spoiler tags work on /toy/?
Animation fell off model, very very flat coloring, and got inconsistent, Scorpia's claws were often criminally irregular.
Nearly every character a minor variation of the same type.
Voice acting frequently boring.
She-ra final form went back to "those evil traditions" of [more] shapely slender with high heels. Earlier animation kept to character sketch vaguely androgynous, by the 3rd season I was seeing butt clefts and some chest definition.
The hoard was it's own cult, leader, members, all one guy, in the end only one actual enemy.
Male characters all comedy relief and losers.
Underlying story primarily about which girl pairing with which girl.
LGBTQPXYZ pandering varied in level but did get intense some episodes.
Etheria is a Death Star. Eternians got no portrayal other than "evil ancestors". "Technology is evil"
They even threw in a homage during Bow's version of the plan.
The only new element I actually liked was the She-ra transformation bulking her up She-Hulk style, but her height and build was inconsistent scene to scene.
Ending set up that if it continues it will be a buddy road trip show.
Overall, I won't watch it a second time.