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I recently had to file a research claim. The package was due here Monday, and it seems to have disappeared after reaching New Orleans (which doesn't even have looting or rioting going on). Nobody knows where it is, so its apparently disappeared. Normally, I'd wait a week before filing a complaint, but USPS has been REALLY bad with delivering my packages lately. Things either come 3-4 days late, get delivered to the wrong house, or the postman will literally forget my shit is in his truck. I'm working from home, so when I see a package is out for delivery, I literally have to camp by the window and watch for when the postman arrives, because 3 times so far I've had to chase him down the street and kind him there's a package in his truck for me. My wife thought I was crazy at first, but after seeing me run out the house after a lost truck, o ly to return inside with a bunch of packages, she gets it.
FedEx is pretty bad too since I've had to track them down to get a package they forgot to deliver. UPS seems more reliable, but I've had instances where my package is on the truck and out for delivery, but come 9pm they realize they don't have time to get to my residence and just being it the next day. Keep in mine I live about 5 minutes from the dispatch site...
I ordered MP Beast Megatron and MP Dinobot last week for almost 700 dollars. Both were due here yesterday via UPS but got delayed because the riots I guess. Now its "Loaded on Delivery Vehicle". Keeping my fingers crossed I sctually get it since...ya know, 700 bucks and all.
Haven't ordered anything else since last week because this stress is getting ridiculous.