[49 / 10 / ?]
702KiB, 2000x1577, Hasbro-GIJoe-Classified-Series-Wave-1-Duke-Comparison-04.jpg
>Marvel Legends
>creeping upwards in scale for years until they're now too big to be 1:12
>styled after realistic movies (MCU) or generic comics
>despite doing cartoon-styled packaging and callbacks the actual figures aren't cartoon styled
>Star Wars Black
>styled exclusively in realistic movie style
>even cartoon characters are re-designed to fit this style
>stick to true 1:12
>Transformers R.E.D
>styled exclusively after cartoon
>exactl size unknown
>GI Joe
>The size of marvel Legends so bigger than true 1:12
>styling is 100% new not based on anything
>dead meme
>creeping upwards in scale for years until they're now too big to be 1:12
>styled after realistic movies (MCU) or generic comics
>despite doing cartoon-styled packaging and callbacks the actual figures aren't cartoon styled
>Star Wars Black
>styled exclusively in realistic movie style
>even cartoon characters are re-designed to fit this style
>stick to true 1:12
>Transformers R.E.D
>styled exclusively after cartoon
>exactl size unknown
>GI Joe
>The size of marvel Legends so bigger than true 1:12
>styling is 100% new not based on anything
>dead meme