>>8265112>>8265034>>8266422>>8265127Death of the Author is not only a thing but a perfectly fine concept to embrace. The director clearly knows jack shit about biology and what not, so his intents means nothing if the majority of audiences automatically assume, "ah so it was actually a female not male godzilla." Their interpretation is just as if not more important then his since they viewed it and walked away with that interpretation.
anyone in movie still calling it a he after realizing it laid eggs can easily be explained the same way as
>>8265787 points out with JP novels.
Of course it is also possible it is a hermaphrodotic creature with both sex organs, and they are just calling it by male pronouns to not be confused since thats what they already referred to it as. But regardless, this is just a case of the director being a stubborn stupid jackass for the sake of it because he can be. If it has female reproductive organs and no male organs, by the very definition(even more so back in 98) of the term 'male' it 100% can not be Male in any way or shape. 1998 movie goers understood that definition, ergo through the concept of death of the author, his word has NO merit. He failed to make his interpretation stick, no sense arguing over it.