So I just got my Scarlett in and I'm sorry to say she got done dirty. Snake Eyes is an amazing figure with so much range of motion in all of his joints, but ol' red stumbles over some old school problems that have no place in the modern era of super articulated mass market figures. The single hinge elbow joint in and of itself isn't even my main problem. I just got the MCU Ghost and she has the same single joint elbows and otherwise basic ML articulation. But her build and sculpt, especially in her elbows, give some incredible range. Ms O'hara's elbows are almost as bad as her original 1:12 ME figure and there's just no reason for it.
Her boots are also kinda awful, but moreso in their colors rather then their articulation. There's a lot going on with those boots and they are way too busy. They're also super sloppy paint and color bleed all over.
Her headsculpt, which is like 90% of the reason I bought her, is absolutely fantastic. She's a super qt freckle faced ginger and I can easily overlook all the rest of her flaws because of it.
>>8278819I already told my wife flat out that if Hasbro announced they were doing a Haslab U.S.S. Flag, I'm buying regardless of our current financial standing. The HQ, M.C.C. and Terrordrome are all cool ideas and all, but with Haslab it's go big or go home and there is literally nothing bigger for the 1:18th scale then the freaking Flag.
>>8278895I picked one of these up for half price back when it first came out, and as much as I enjoy it, it's got way too many problems to really regret missing out on. First and foremost it's not even scaled properly for the ME figures, it's almost as if it was made more for the smaller 2.5 inch figures or something. It also does this weird thing where it's clearly a vehicle, but when you open it up, it pretends it's some underground facility. If it just went for a more M.C.C. style mobile fortress concept I feel it could've been a much better toy.
>>8279968Why not both?