>>8309823A line I'm currently building through customizations of 1:18 figures and model cars.
The Heroic Rad Riders and their Rad Rides.
Arthur King-Heroic Leader of the Rad Riders. Driver of the Pendragon, a jeep with a flamethrower and lance
Mitsuko Queen-Charismatic speed queen. Driver of the Lane Cutter, an Aston Martin race vehicle with side-mounted buzz saw arms
Rick Bishop-Inventor and mechanic. Driver of the Silver Sentry, a Porsche 928 with suped up engine and laser cannon.
Alexa Knight-Bruiser with a heart of gold. Driver of the Ground Pounder, a cut down dump truck loaded with heavy weaponry and a ram.
Miguel Rook-Young hotheaded wildcard. Driver of the Rotorcycle, a combination motorcycle/gyrocopter.
The Villainous Road Ghouls
Lord Draculash-Villainous mutant overlord. Driver of the Impaler, an Impala with a large ramming spike.
Speed Demon
Road Ghoul-Rank and file mutant road ravagers.