>>8326818>6-inchAny of the Jazwares Fortnite Legendary line
Star Wars Black series Stormtroopers
Bandai Model Kit Stormtroopers
Marvel Legends Hydra Soldiers
Marvel Legends AIM Scientists/soldiers
Marvel Legends SHIELD troopers
Astrobots Argus
Boss Fight Studios Toad Troopers
Articulated Icons Ninjas
Neca TMNT Footsoldiers
Mythic Legions
Damtoys Pocket Elite Series (Testman is my favorite)
Valaverse Action Force kickstarter line (hopefully)
Neca Xenomorphs
Bandai model Gundams
Power Rangers Lightning Collection Putty Patrol
World of Nintendo Koopa Troopers/ Gomba/ Boo/ etc
>1/18 scaleBoss Fight Studios Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. series
Spero Studios Animal Warriors of the Kingdom
Star Wars Vintage Collection
Marauders Task Force
Chicken Fried Toys Dime Novel Legends series
Toys Alliance Acid Rain line
G.I. Joes