New hints/confirmations from the credible Kingdom leak sources, for those interested:
-Earthrise is only 3 retail waves, Kingdom Wave 1 is set to release in December (so the same release window as Siege Wave 5)
-Galvatron confirmed to be in Kingdom, Leader class, with "Multiple variations" (Selects repaint based on toy/comic colors? Energon Megatron homage?)
-Fossilizers being produced using codenames, so far has mentioned "Catbone" and "Wingsaur"
-Titan comes with multiple accessories and a transforming companion that never transformed before, uncertain if it features Airlock ramps
-Deluxe Warpath (the clues were K4P0W and he's NOT Core Class)
-More Deluxe Class Minibots in addition to Warpath, none named
-Core Class Optimus may not be the G1 again (Bat Optimus?)
-Size class of Rodimus was never confirmed, the "potentially divisive" statement was in regard to his price point/size class