>>8362734Glatorian (and Agori, and everything else on Bara Magna/Bota Magna) was around before anyone or anything in the MU. Gresh is older than Helryx, even, as someone else mentioned in this thread. When the Great Beings first landed on Spherus Magna and found the liquid Protodermis they began their experiments, which created the Glatorian, Agori, etc. They also designated several Glatorian to be leaders of their tribes, and made them the "Elemental Lords", giving them elemental powers. They ran amok and began the Core War, which eventually split Spherus Magna into three: Bara Magna, Bota Magna, and Aqua Magna. The Great Beings then constructed 2 (planned 3) massive, 40-million-foot-tall robots to reconstruct the planet after researching other planets with life in the galaxy. The first one was a failure and laid dismantled and destroyed on Bara Magna's surface, but the second one is known as the Great Spirit Robot, Mata Nui, and the Matoran Universe, where the first 8 years of stories of Bionicle takes place.
Highly suggest reading up more on Biosector01.