Still got toys for sale! All info is in the links and is up to date I also still got a 1/6 BJD for sale RiderSales !!7g5KfV3lCZn
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Only two sets left. Thanks for your help, /toy/. Prices lowered a bit as I really want everything gone.
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WTS Hot Toys Joe El from Man of Steel complete with box $130 shipped
Anybody selling the SHF Shinkocchou Seihou Ankh arm for a decent price. I really don't feel like paying an arm and a leg for an arm and some tiny accessories to go with the actual figure.
!!Equx6egiU2b Selling brand new Gunpla, Amiibo, and other stuff. Ships from Canada. Email is at the top of the first sheet.
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How long until people want to sell their waddle dees?
>>8429861 you can get it like 30 bucks on mandy, that's as cheap as you're going to see it.
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>>8429950 It was like $28 on Amazon two weeks ago. Should have grabbed it then.
Hope that anons brother is still dead
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>>8430188 That guy was a shithead but you'e a bigger shithead.
Is it safe to use the BST? if you give your home address to some anon, arent you afraid they might show up later and rape you?
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>>8430231 Ive had better experiences selling/buying here than on plebbit or eBay
>>8430231 No because it’s public knowledge anyways.
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>>8430231 I've never gotten trouble for using my address on the bst. /toy/ isn't exactly a risky board.
>>8430231 Most BST transactions are done through PayPal. You get some of the seller's contact information.
>>8430376 yeah but someone has your address when they send you something you bought from them yeah? There has to be at least one anon that showed up at another anons house and either raped them or broke in in a frenzied state.
>>8420962 So is this dude actually selling his stuff? The email didn't work. I'm Interested in some of the nendos if you're legit.
>>8430387 If you live in America, you can use your rights given to you by the Second Amendment to protect yourself from rapists and break-ins.
>>8430387 Unlikely, most people who post here are autists who collect action figures. I don't think any of us are going to confront anybody with a baseball bat.
>>8430482 unlikely? You want to leave your life up to a game of chance from buying a Japanese coomer toy?
>>8430459 what if they are too fast?
>>8430493 god forbid anyone ever buys or sells anything on craigslist, otherwise the people who live RIGHT THERE in your town and have easier access to your location, rather than an anon thousands of miles away, kills you for daring to fall for a scam on action figures
and obviously these kinds of things DO happen on craigslist from time to time, but again, that's just for local area stuff. if it rarely happens there I highly doubt there's a huge problem with giving out your address to a seller and having them spend money on plane tickets to a randomass area, especially during these corona times, and tracking you down
I get you have good intentions and are trying to keep people safe, but everyone here is an adult and can think for themselves, you don't need to act like you're cool cat preaching internet safety
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>>8429507 does anyone want to trade or buy some model trains? or buildings or is this solely for figures?
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>>8430543 yeah but those are normal people not the hacker known as anonymous. its an apples to oranges comparison.
>>8430417 I doubt it was legit. Email didn't work at all.
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>>8430655 :( Too bad, I've been looking to buy nendos but it feels like nobody has really been selling much since covid started, even on ebay. Feels very rare to see a good deal nowadays
Prices do no not include shipping. Please email me for photos and such, thanks. -Revoltech- Psylocke 60 sealed Queens blade Alice 100 Queens Blade Echidna (2 player color) 100 Queens blade Aldra (with art book) 120 Assemble Borg Nexus 029] Skull Spartan 72 Phat Oboro Muramasa Parfom Momohime sealed 100 -Figma- Fate Grand Order Lancer 381 Scatach Sealed 80 321 Shielder/Masher 120 Touhou Project Suika Ibuki 50 Touhou Project Sakuya Izayoi 50 Strike Witches Sanya 40 Strike Witches Lynette 35 Persona Futaba 55 Windrunner 55 Kanzaki Ranako 60 My Hero Academia Deku Sealed 55 Sword Art Online II Asuna - ALO Ver 50 Canaan 40 Black Rock Shooter SP-012 50 Black Gold SawSP-017 50 Strength- 018 50 Deadmaster 013 50 Black Rock Shooter Mato Kuroi 50 Black Rock Shooter Strength T.V version 80 Black Rock Shooter Gold Saw T.V version 55 Black Rock Shooter Chariot T.V version 100 -Nendoroid- Toon Link 50 515 Mako Fight club Mankanshoku sealed 100 Mako 65 Cynthia sealed 90 Tomoko 90 Hatsune Miku Halloween ver 448 80
>>8430493 Lol if you're so certain you're going to be scalped and molested over a $40 plastic toy then don't use the bst I guess.
>>8430700 youre a stupid ass newfag. where do you think terms like scalpers came from? Not every toy scalper hurts or molests people. But the reason people even use that term as as insult is that since toy collecting started, there have always been people beating up/robbing and raping other toy enthusiasts.
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>>8430721 even during the dial up days people shared stories of trying to sell their transformers or whatever. guys would break into their house a few weeks later and rape them and steal their collection.
>>8430700 and if you dont belive me? Have you ever heard how many supposed "trannies" purportedly exist in the transformers online communities now? do you think its a coincidence? look into it. dont get scalped.
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when did you finally realize that only having 1 bike and it being a 1000 is a waste?
>>8430696 Oh shit
>Peach Nevermind
>>8430903 is there Andrew-tier lore to this?
>>8430921 Nah
Peach is just a cringy fujoshit who ruined Rider threads for the longest time on /m/ and attention posted till she was removed from a discord
Also just a shit to deal with
>>8430930 I’ve never been to /m nor have I ever been on a discord.
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>>8430939 You are beyond bullshitting
Holy fuck
bros i have been using the BST for years and no one is proving that paranoid anon scared now bros... i think hes on to something.
>>8430948 Literally ask in the /m/ KR thread
lmao. she's a legit female and is one ((THOSE))
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>>8430962 i dont understand bro.....
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If anyone has a MOC MS In Action Seed Destiny Dagger L ( white not black), I'll take it off your hands. Bought one off ebay and love it, great construction for a 15+ year old toy.
>>8430948 >Dat feel when I've been buying from the BST thread for years in hopes that some day, I would get raped.......still waiting Anonymous
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>>8430732 Good thing I don't buy TFs then.
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WTB: Marvel Legends females In particular: Emma Frost, Jean Grey, Hela, X-23 Wolverine SHF Master Roshi
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>>8429861 it's 30 bucks on amazon
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>>8430696 Nendoroid Cynthia is sold.
>>8430417 No he's a troll, in fact here he is again
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>>8430696 Everything sold. Stop emailing me.
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>>8429651 Ordered Fox from him. Good packaging & shipping!
Does anyone have sentai figuarts under 30$?
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Got these from
>>8429651 Good seller 10/10
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>>8432954 What is your end game Ahmed do you get any goat milk out of this?
>>8433540 You want a vuleagle?
>>8433606 How complete is it? Extra hands? No broken stuff?
>>8433655 100% complete in the box, nothing broken
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Looking for non-knockoff nendoroids of Geralt and Ciri. They're both just under 100 bucks a piece on Amazon so less than that would be ideal. I have lots of stuff to trade or I'm cool with cash as well.
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I bought a Figma Yami Yugi missing the black LEFT sleeve, pic related. Doubt it but if anyone has a junker, or even the KO, I would like to purchase the part. Thanks a lot
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>>8434244 got any more figuarts?
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WTB:>DX OOO Driver (Super Best) >DX Double Driver (Super Best or 20th ver.) >DX Lost Driver (20th ver.)
TheMaskedWaffle !C7sHogQPVg
WTS Figuarts Jiraiya - $45, get 1st version Naruto for an extra $15 M. Bison (Dictator) - $50 Rock Lee - $40 Nendoroid Ichigo Kurosaki - $30 Figma Male Protagonist from FGO (comes with GSC Bonus) - $55 Nero Claudius 2.0 - $55 take both mastah-kun and umu for $100 Mafex Cyclops (the flare piece on the visor broke off, but was superglued back) - $45 Storm Collectibles Terry Bogard - $75 (the box is big and is quite heavy, so shipping is going to be a bit expensive) 1000Toys DMCV Nero - $70 Dragon Ball Evolve Ultra Instinct Goku, Golden Freeza, Full Power Jiren - $25 for all three Shodo Kamen Rider X - $8 Kamen Rider Stronger Charge Up - $8 Take both for 15 shipped, or free with any purchase All prices include shipping to the CONUS. Everything also comes with their respective boxes, except its specifically stated to not. If you have any questions or would like pics, please feel free to email me!
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>>8430986 Haven't been raped, robbed, mudered, or even shit on in the night. Why am I still here?
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>>8434244 How expensive for vul eagle? Including shipping?
Sorry for late reply
WTS: Figuarts Homecoming Spider-Man $50 shipped.
Looking for 2 Robot Spirits Ver ANIME GM Command. Preferably MOC but I'll take used if its in good condition and has all accessories.
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WTB Joes, acid rain(females), planet green valley and Joytoy figures.
I was wondering if anyone with extensive PayPal experience can explain something to me. I'm finding that Seller Protection eligibility is inconsistent. On some transactions, it is, and on some others, it isn't. On the eligible transactions, they say that it's eligible as long as I ship to the right address and provide a tracking number. I do that for every sale anyways, so what makes some of them different?
Continental USA Only, Paypal G&S Only, Shipping depends on your location. Blue / Ranger Slayer / Dino Charge - $30 each Loose Figures - $14 each Lost Galaxy Red SOLD
Shipping to Continental USA Only, Paypal G&S Only, Shipping not included. Apocalypse - $30 boxed, $28 loose Dark Beast - $16 Sunspot / Black Tom - $8 each Retro Spider-Man Wave (Spidey and Mysterio) - $28 each boxed, $26 each loose Retro Spider-Man Wave (Gwen, Goblin, Electro) - $26 each boxed, $24 each loose Doom with BAF - $32 boxed, $30 loose War Machine - $35 boxed, $33 loose White Rabbit (no baf) - $12 each Thank you.
Shipping to Continental USA Only, Shipping Prices not included, Paypal G&S Only. Loose figures - $14 each Hela - $20 Spidey - $6 Thank you.
TheMaskedWaffle !C7sHogQPVg
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>>8436486 dead weight nero and cyclops sold
>>8441053 Scalp scalp scalp
>>8441285 He's more or less a regular around here. Makes his rounds on reddit too
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>>8441491 >Makes his rounds on reddit too Anonymous
>>8441045 >>8441053 >>8441056 Most of those figures are new in box shipped on Amazon for less.
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>>8441056 >shipping prices not included I wonder when you will learn
>>8441491 Just because he's a regular, doesn't mean he isn't a scalper selling readily available figures at a markup. It's one thing to sell something out of print or that hasn't been available for a while at a markup, but for stuff that's currently out, he's a scalper.
>>8441621 there is a toy bst on reddit? care to point me that way?
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>>8441621 I'm not defending him, I'm just saying he's been doing this shit for a long time
>>8441998 r/toyexchange. It’s like this, except there’s less cool stuff for sale, shittier prices, and you have to have decent karma to post.
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>>8442011 thanks, that was a very accurate description.
Selling SHF Mando for $75 and Riku for $80 shipping included
>>8441621 Though I don't agree with his pricing practices either, I don't think he's necessarily a scalper.
A scalper will charge unreasonable prices for high-demand items in low supply, especially if it's short notice.
He is charging unreasonable prices for low-demand items in ample supply. He's stupid, but I wouldn't say he's scalping.
>>8442339 >He is charging unreasonable prices for low-demand items in ample supply He's a scalper but he's not a smart scalper he's just an idiot.
>>8442011 >karma What da fuck?
>>8441045 >$30 + shipping eBay Redditor fuck off
WTB pic related, tomytec Buhinmokei/Component Series 1:12 commuter trainer interior. Orange or Blue, doesn’t matter.
>>8442576 What kind of scenes are you hoping to make with this set anon?
>>8441285 >>8441501 >>8441621 >>8442345 >>8442569 You guys are retarded
Cost+Shipping and a like $5 margin isn't "Scalping"
Fuck off and buy it on Amazon then you fucking poorfag c rybabies
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>>8442923 .. okay, I will?
I don't know the point you're trying to prove here. Why would I buy it from some literal who when I can get it cheaper from a reputable company?
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>>8442011 Man. People like to make fun of our BST, but that place is LITERALLY just mediocre American figures like MLs, Black Series, Lightning Collection, etc.
>>8442129 Riku sold. Mando is still available
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>>8442923 Shipping isn't included with those listings. It's scalping bro. You're not helping anyone out by charging them an extra $5 for a figure they can buy for retail almost anywhere.
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>>8442923 >“Cost” + shipping + fees + $5 markup Might as well trot it over to eBay at that point. If we wanted shit prices for big box store action figures, we wouldn’t be here, would we?
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>>8442763 Grope shots with figma?
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>>8442763 Commuter train scenes of course.
>>8443190 Seller canceled last minute so Riku is still for sale
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>>8443646 He probably cancelled because the 2.0 is coming out with more stuff
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>>8442576 Fuck I didn't even know that this kind of thing exists, and I'm trying to downsize by selling all my shit, but now that I'm aware of its existence, I fucking want one for myself. Fuck, I LOVE TRAINS
>>8443646 >Seller canceled last minute But aren't you the seller?
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>>8444825 Yes the buyer I had just woke up excuse me
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wtb nendo ryuko
Anyone looking to sell The World or Silver Chariot from the Stardust Crusaders Super Action Statue line? I'm not looking to pay a $20 markup plus another $20 to ship from Japan.
>>8442381 It's Reddit's system for telling whether or not you're a good noodle (read: hivemind sheep). Reddit is a fine information database, but a horrible forum, because that karma score is right next to your name for people to judge you on, rather than on the actual content of your post.
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>>8445040 Fuck that. Sounds terrible.
>>8445030 Go fuck yourself then cause nobody is gonna be selling for cheaper than what you'd pay buying from japan.
>>8445237 Why are you being so aggressive? All I'm asking is if anyone, presumably somebody who obtained the figures at retail price, is willing to sell them to me for near retail. If I wanted to buy a $35 for $50 + $20 shipping then I'd just go to AmiAmi and do it, I wouldn't be asking here. Pretentious douche.
>>8445251 You're asking for a lot. Sellers here generally obtain their prices by obtaining fair market value and then SLIGHTLY undercutting it. But asking for original retail price when the current market price is far above it just comes across as demanding and rude. And at that point, people are liable to just tell you to fuck off and go buy from Japan instead.
This is generally seen as a place to get deals, but that doesn't mean people are looking to get taken advantage of either. And it's on the seller to offer bargains, or at the very least for you to make a polite counteroffer after they do--coming right out of the gate as a buyer asking for retail price like this isn't gonna make you any friends.
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>>8445414 Worse part is he didn't even leave his email out.
What an entitled cunt.
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>>8438700 Bump. US sellers only, forgot that.
Selling my OOB amiibo collection, I enjoyed them when they were super rare but I need money to fund an upcoming road trip. The package includes 22 figures, including
>Kirby, King Dedede, Dr. Mario, Bowser, Pink Plus Yoshi, Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, Captain Falcon, Duck Hunt, Ness, Lucas, Shulk, Splatoon Male Inkling, Olimar, R.O.B, Pac Man, Mr. Game and Watch (with three extra poses), Marth, Ike, Male Robin and Lucina. Priced to sell at $50 plus shipping.
Send me an email at chris.m.exe at if you're interested.
>>8445921 Forgot to mention, everything is early production whenever applicable.
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Still downsizing my Nendoroid collection Selling: #575 Saitama (One Punch Man) #911 Common Raccoon (Kemono Friends) #919 Fennec (Kemono Friends) #980 Jashin-chan (Dropkick on my Devil) #1107 Rin (Kemurikusa) All in good shape, with all accessories and parts and the boxes. 25€ each, 20€ each if you take all 5 together. Shipping from Austria, so non-europeans beware the potentially high shipping costs.
>>8429507 are you allowed to sell provocative/naughty girl figures here?
>>8446131 It's a SFW board, so...I suppose you could, but you can't post pics of them. Also, they'd need to be jointed action figures, cause Japanese statues are not allowed here.
And lastly, I think you'd have a hard time generating sales because people would expect you've jerked off on them. If you seriously want to sell anything I suggest you invest in a blacklight for proof.
>>8446143 They are mostly statues so I guess that's out of the question. Seems like a lot of hassle to see these things. Do you know where I might be able to sell them without restriction?
>>8446148 I think MyFigureCollection allows sales of lewd stuff?
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>>8446156 thank you anon, you are very kind.
>>8446143 >Japanese statues are not allowed here. So does that mean Amiibo are technically not allowed?
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>>8446429 I think they circumvent the statue rule as their built in functions make them not pure statues
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>>8445414 Didn’t ask for retail price, asked for near retail price. I’m willing to overpay $5-$10. Not willing to overpay $20. That’s not a deal by any stretch of the imagination.
>>8437661 If I lower to $40, would anyone be interested?
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>>8447018 Forgot my e-mail, but it's me.
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>>8439985 I can help with whatever you need, post your email so we don't shit post the board much
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WTB a bunch of nendoroids: Kaguya Luna Jashin-chan Darkness Mercy Galko Isabelle Chitoge Kirisaki Miyuki Konata Ika Musume Holo If you'd like to sell any of these please shoot me an email. I am in the US so I'd prefer to buy from someone here. I know some of these are more rare or expensive than others so just lemme know your price in the email. :) (This is my first WTB post so sorry if I missed something)
>>8442129 Both riku and Mando sold
>>8447315 >7315>>8442129 >Both riku and Mando sold >Somebody actually paid that much for Mando when Beskar is dropping this month Yikes
>>8448879 Maybe they haggled on the price via email. Those kinds of details don't need to be shared on the thread.
As a seller myself, I find that most buyers will try to talk you down to a lower price. I can only remember one time when a buyer actually paid full asking price.
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>>8430986 Buy my stuff Anon, everything comes with a special surprise ;)
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>>8442576 Yeah, this is one of my grails too. The 1/12 Soft On Demand Mirror Box Truck is the other one. I have papercraft if you are interested. Easier on the wallet.
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>>8448896 >As a seller myself, I find that most buyers will try to talk you down to a lower price. I can only remember one time when a buyer actually paid full asking price. I rarely haggle unless i see a obo since im under the assumption that thats the lowest theyre willing to go. Mind you this was years ago when bro prices were the norm. I still treasure the sas set anon sold me years ago for 50 dollars.
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Selling some figs All from a smoke free home. Shortly displayed but taken care of by an adult collector. All are complete. Prices are shipped. Src black getter $90 Src getter 1 $50 Bandai Space Marine $180 Cross dimension striker manus $50 Thanks!
Looking to get rid of these. Prefer to sell as a lot. How likely is that to happen or should I just split it up?
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>>8449561 If you were to consider selling separately, I'd like to know how much you might want for either Nick Fury or Iron Fist.
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>>8449561 If you split up it will sell a lot faster, you can denote a flat rate shipping fee to encourage people to buy more at once
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>>8449561 Pretty unlikely you'll move it as a lot. If you decide to split, I'm interested in Cyke and Shatterstar, hit me up.
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>>8449561 better off splitting it up, if you sell it as a lot youre more than likely going to have to sell it way below cost just to move it all at once. I see 2 or 3 figures in this lot that I'd like but I'm def not going to try buying the whole lot just for a few figures.
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>>8449561 Email?
Price on the lot?
I'd want 4 if you'd split
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>>8448896 Only slightly related, I was once at a con and I was getting the Legends Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly) figure and the seller actually talked me down from his own asking price, it was surreal
>>8449561 I want that Scarlett Witch.
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>>8449561 I would buy about 3 of em if you price them right.
A few are worth a nice amount (like cyke) but know where you are. This bst is basically a garage sale For used toys. Price them to move .... include shipping ... give a slight discount for multiples.
I want that daredevil and Electra. In the end you will sell about half of these is my guess. Unless you get greedy then you won’t sell many at all.
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>>8449561 I would want that 2099, Shulkie, and Daredevil if you would sell them seperately
Selling Los Cyk 1/6 scale knight. It's a bit rough around the edges and was a very small, limited release. I don't have a definite price but I paid about 230 total with shipping. I also have a set of Revoltech knights. All three color variants and an extra red colored variant. Additionally, the mounted figure. Feel free to shoot me an offer at I'll try to respond asap.
WTS: Polynian Clover and Shamrock 1st ver. $100 e/o
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>>8450196 adding on prices.
Lost Cyk (Lothric Knight) 1/6 scale figure - $150 before shipping.
Takeya Knights per color
Silver (Unopened) 70
Silver (opened) 60
Bronze 65
Silver mounted knight - 120
Red (Unopened) 80
Red - 70
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>>8449858 >I want that Scarlett Witch. lol which witch?
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>>8430387 This could happen with literally any bst thread on any website.
Quit being a spaz, if your this scared just stick with big retail chains.
WTB: >Nendos #597 Clear (!) #611 Galko-chan #447 Solid Snake #538 Raiden #565 Venom Snake (!) #677 Okurikara #323 Monomi #403 Nagisa Momoe #285 Ultimate Madoka #480 Senbonzakura Miku #903 Nadeshiko Kagamihara (Note— also interested in her statue!) #943 Haise Sasaki #1108 Ciri #907 Geralt #706 Boba Fett Straight Up Any Of The Iron Man Nendos >Figmas Solid Snake Nagisa Momoe Sakura Miku 2016 Racing Miku (either ver.) 2013 Racing Miku (EV Mirai ver.) (!) Mizuki>Other Bratz Costume Party Bumble Bee Yasmin McFarlane Lord Shaxx (!) McFarlane Lord Saladin McFarlane Call Of Duty: MW Ghost Play Arts Venom Play Arts Cyborg Ninja/Gray Fox Play Arts Venom Snake I don’t need them to be in boxes, and they don’t have to be in perfect condition, but that’s obviously a plus. Anything marked with a (!) is a priority want. I’m also interested in statues of the characters I listed, assuming they’ve got one! Open to whatever, I guess. If you think I’d like something based on what I’ve got listed, you’re welcome to send it my way and ask.
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>>8451253 >wrong image Fuck.
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WTB: Lalaloopsy dolls (full size), looking mainly for: Bubbles Smack n' Pop Rosy Bumps n Bruises + Stumbles (little sister) with pets Sir Battlescarred with pet Ace Fender Marina + Matey Anchors (little brother) with pets Breeze E. Sky (little sister) with pet Little Bah Peep + Bow Bah Peep (little sister) with pets Cape Riding Hood (little sister) with pet Queenie Red Heart Especially looking for Rosy, Sir Battlescarred, Cape Riding Hood and Bow Bah Peep with their pets! If you have any other Lalaloopsys you want to sell, feel free to email me! I'm mostly interested in the doll + their pet rather than them separated.
>>8450212 >For yellowed editions with improved versions out soon.
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Looking to buy a few Marvel Legends that I missed. I need : Black Knight Vision (retro card) Hercules baf Sandman baf Rhino
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MP-27 Ironhide, CiB. Authentic, bought for display Asking $80 CAD, location: Ontario
selling toys pm me also buying toys
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WTB nendoroid Little Witch Academia figures, especially Sucy
Anybody selling Amiibo Wario and Waluigi for a decent price?
>>8453322 Whoops, forgot my email.
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>>8453327 WTB:
SRC Gaogaigar
SHFSS Ultimate Kuuga
Great Toys Phoenix Ikki V3
Robot Damashii Gundam MK-V
SHF Robin Mask (either version)
SHF Super Vegeta
SHF base vegeta 2.0
HG murasame
Riobot Jehuty
riobot Shin Getter 1
Anybody interested in these GM? They’re complete and in good condition Asking 35 each shipped
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WTB Figma David from the table museum? All the sellers seem to be in Japan
>>8451608 They aren't yellowed, i couldn't be asked to take pics at the time and downloaded the pictures, will take some when i get home
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>>8454485 I own the originals and I have copies of opened and unopened and no yellowing whatsoever.
Sorry if this double posts. Clicked on post, and it didn't show up for some reason. Anyway. WTS Prices include shipping anywhere in the US! Payment can be made through PayPal. All figures come from a smoke free home and were shelf displayed. All figures are complete. Please refer to the photo for more details. Please email me with any questions! Count Dooku - $18 Snowspeeder Luke -$18 Snowtrooper - $15 Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Knight (open box) - $20 Darth Vader #43 (the belt was separated and glued in the back to fit a custom cape, custom cape not included) - $18
Would anyone like to sell me a DX Double driver for a reasonable price?
>>8454831 They have a bunch sub 100 shipped on mandy
>>8454818 This is how you sell currently available figures. Good on you mate for not being q scalper fuck.
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WTS: Meishou Movie Realization Boba Fett: Like new, complete/opened but not displayed - $80 shipped
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>>8455260 I only see one used one and it doesn't really show its condition. Should I just go for that?
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Anyone selling the NECA Evil Dead 2 Ash? drop your email. I'm in Australia btw.
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>>8449561 I'm interseted, serious buyer for the whole lot. email? lets talk
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>>8441053 >higher price than retail >everything widely available what are you even doing lol
>>8454831 They list the condition and if there's wear or defects it SHOULD have photos
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>>8455353 Appreciate it, man. I try to price as fairly as I can.
>>8454818 Snow trooper, Dooku, Vader, and Kenobi sold!
>>8458387 Okay, I went for it. First time ordering from Mandy, so hopefully I didn't fuck up. I made sure to check the "cancel order if item is out of stock" box
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>>8459396 Welcome to the rabbit hole
WTS: Figma Skyward Sword Link $30 shipped
>>8459998 Post pics to prove this isn't a boot
Okay...long shot time... Looking for Bebop Rocksteady in box for 50 shipped...takers?? Beuller?
>>8460509 Forgot the effect piece but I have it.
>>8460513 Posting to prove I haven't.
>>8460520 Comes with everything but the instructions which I somehow can't fuckin find and the plastic ziploc bag that holds the hands that I'm like 90% sure it came with which is why I'm making it $30.
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Anyone have a Transformers siege Galaxy upgrade prime they want to sell?
Looking to buy an MPM-08 Megatron - a KO is fine too so long as it's not one of those oversized ones.
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>>8464075 and I forgot myemail like a dumbass.....
>>8450212 Shammboy is sold!
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>>8450212 >>8464114 >Somebody actually overpaid rather than buy a brand new superior reissue Huh
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>>8451253 Quick additions, also looking for these nendos—
#1229 Wei Wuxian
#1109 Lan Wangji
#1068 Wei Wuxian
And, additionally, since I forgot to add it in the og post, I’m based in the US.
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>>8455353 He sold them to me and i'm going to scalp them on eBay. Deal with it.
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Accessories are included for all figure if they have them. I have them stored separately but will package them in unless stated otherwise.
GI Joe Hasbro Pulse Exclusive Snake Eyes: 130
BAF Sentinel: 150
Black Series Dewback with Sand Trooper NEW and Sealed: 70
Storm Collectible MK3 Scorpion: 60
BAF Mandroid: 40
Pop Lot: 33
Marvel Legends deal: Any 3 for 33. You pick. First Come first serve. (Accessories may vary but I got most of them for sure.) Shipping included.
Accessories are included for all figure if they have them. I have them stored separately but will package them in unless stated otherwise.
GI Joe Hasbro Pulse Exclusive Snake Eyes: 130
BAF Sentinel: 150
Black Series Dewback with Sand Trooper NEW and Sealed: 70
Storm Collectible MK3 Scorpion: 60
BAF Mandroid: 40
Pop Lot: 33
Marvel Legends deal: Any 3 for 33. You pick. First Come first serve. (Accessories may vary but I got most of them for sure.)
>>8465382 How much for great ape?
>>8465414 Shipping it is gonna be a bitch but probably 170.
>>8465427 So $10 less than retail when you can already get it for like $130 some places?
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WTB Robot Spirits GP02 Gundam Physalis
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>>8465487 Where can I get it for 130?
>>8465487 Where's that? If you can show me then I'd adjust.
But I'd probably go as low as 150 until then
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Looking for SHF dbz figures. Mainly vegeta, trunks and Teen Gohan
>>8465548 Boxed lunch and GameStop had him for 135
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>>8466103 Yeah I actually got it at Lunchbox last week with coupons for 120 ish.
does anybody wanna sell me a walgreens clone LT for non rape prices? Getting kinda sick of not being able to find them in stores because some jackass in my city is pilfering the stores for a total profit of $4 each on ebay
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>>8467519 forgot my email because I'm a huge faggot
>>8467519 >some jackass in my city is pilfering the stores for a total profit of $4 each on ebay Jesus, that sounds like way too much work for so little money.
>>8467525 they buy them for 22 after tax, sell them for 40, but pay around 8 bucks to ship the box and ebay takes 4 dollars as a fee
so 6 dollars I guess
Sale 9/27 HFTD Seaspray- 15 Gen Warpath (no missile)- 25 TR Twinferno- 10 POTP Battletrap- 20 T30 Tankor- 10 DOTM Voyager Megatron w bonus Headless copy- 20 Studio Series Cogman- 20 Movie 5 Dinobots Lot - 50 , Missing: 1 Strafe Crossbow, 1 Slugs Sword, Snarls weapon is broken but included. MPM 7 VW Bumblebee- 60 Animated Blurr- 20 RID Car Bros- 45 Junker RID Magnus- 20 shipped IF Ghost Starscream- 70 Hot Soldiers Bumblebee (Choo Choo)- 45 IF Scorponok (Missing "Peg Adapter")- 70 MMC Terminus Hexatron- 50 Figuarts Mark 42 Iron Man- 70 Figuarts Iron Patriot- 70 Figuarts Triple H- 30 Legends Loki (2012)- 10 Legends Okoye- 10 Legends Ms. Marvel- 8 Legends Captain Marvel- 8 (or both Marvels for 10) Legends Drax Vol 1- 5 Legends Comic Wasp- 10 Legends MCU Wasp- 10 Legends Paul Rudd Ant Man- 10 (Wasps and Ant Man for 25) Black Series k2s0- 15
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Looking to buy megaconstrux destiny cabal thresher, it had ikora and a red legion minion.
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Selling Ninjago LEGO sets. I’ve had a little interest when I ask about them and I’d like to sell as a package as opposed to singles. All mini-figs, books and extra pieces included. They survived a move from Hawaii with very few pieces coming off so shipping shouldn’t be an issue. Asking $250 OBO.
>>8467519 Can you send a pic of what it is? I live in a small town so I can usually find stuff really easy and can check my Walgreens this week
>>8469702 >Figuarts Triple H- 30 oh anon
>>8469908 I'v seen it cheaper on Ebay for around 5 bucks no joke.
>>8469908 >>8469928 Bad figure or no demand?
>>8469855 looks like this, truth be told I've been trying to buy two but I'll take what I can get at this point
thanks for the effort regardless if you find them
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>>8470131 Oh an SWB fig, that makes sense. Alright I’ll make a note to check on weds or thurs
Looking for a few things SHFSS Ratorata SHF Toho Spider-Man SIC Ratorata
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WTB any Votoms model kits: Wave, Bandai, etc. Email:
>>8470466 >SHF Toho Spider-Man Toei*
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>>8470023 It's HHH. Literally any excuse is valid
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>>8449561 You still have comic Daredevil?
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>>8470806 Yeah my bad, my mind was other places
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>>8460509 >>8460520 Still available if anyone wants it.
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If anyone is looking to unload their pink WF Jolyne Medicos SAS, shoot me something:)
>>8470131 Mines got nothing bu it’s also a really small section even for a Walgreens. Is it exclusive to Walgreens?
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>>8473701 Yeah, Hasbro, in their infinite wisdom, can't help themselves from making sought-after figures exclusive to a fucking drug store.
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WTS: All prices are shipped. Email for pictures. Storm Collectables Cyborg Smoke $60. Came with a messed up wrist joint but it works. ML Doctor Octopus $25 Mafex Comic Shading Spidey (missing one wrist joint) $30
WTB Figma Fox Figma Panther Don’t care about the box, but would like to have all accessories
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>>8473833 also looking for figma queen, I know it’s probably a long shot
>>8467534 Its more like ebay takes 5.20 for 13% fees so its like even less than 4$ Especially if you wanna be autistic and and factor in the shipping supplies like tape, paper or an actual sticky label, ink and gas spent looking for the figure and to the post office its like 2$. I honestly dont know why they do it. Make someone pay double the cost to make 2-3$ and the lions share goes to the govt for tax and shipping and shekels to ebay
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>>8470131 I ended up finding one thanks to an old lady who gets toys for her grandson, she said there was one down the road from me, so I no longer need this.
>>8476172 >>8467525 You can ship these first class so it’s cheaper than $8 to ship. Around $4 or $5.
I know this because I scalp. And I’m based.
>>8477434 Do you bother to report on your taxes making less than 5k a year?
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>>8477437 >Little Lady Balls
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WTB: Marvel Legends Shatter Star (Warlock wave version) Marvel Legends Domino (Sasquatch Wave) Trying to finish up my X-Force roster.
One Piece statues for sale - UK only (free shipping) Gear 4 Luffy - £40 Bartolomeo - £20 Zoro - £50 Sanji - £50 Sentomaru - £50 Jinbe - £50 Trafalgar Law - £50 Cammy - £15 Caesar Clown - £100 £350 for all 9.
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>>8477434 I make more before lunch in one day than you could in a week scalping those clones
TheMaskedWaffle !C7sHogQPVg
>>8436486 updating list and prices
Jiraiya - $45, get 1st version Naruto for an extra $15
M. Bison (Dictator) - $45
Rock Lee - $40
SHFSS Kamen Rider Kiva - $90
Supaidaman - $80
Ichigo Kurosaki - $30
Male Protagonist from FGO (comes with GSC Bonus) - $55
Nero Claudius 2.0 - $55
take both mastah-kun and umu for $95
Storm Collectibles
Terry Bogard - $70 (the box is big and is quite heavy, so shipping is going to be a bit expensive)
Dragon Ball Evolve
Ultra Instinct Goku, Golden Freeza, Full Power Jiren - $22 for all three
Kamen Rider X - $8
Kamen Rider Stronger Charge Up - $8
Take both for 15 shipped, or free with any purchase
All prices include shipping to the CONUS. Everything also comes with their respective boxes, except its specifically stated to not. If you have any questions or would like pics, please feel free to email me!
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>>8445936 >Spidey - $6 still up for sale
>>8478874 It's illegal to own figures with more than 8 points of articulation in the UK.
WTB: MP-41 Dinobot MP-43 Megatron Loose is fine as long as all accessories are included.
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>>8437661 No longer for sale
TheMaskedWaffle !C7sHogQPVg
TheMaskedWaffle !C7sHogQPVg
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>>8479096 jiraiya, nardo, and umu sold
Marvel Legends Negasonic Teenage Warhead - $25 Shipped Loose.
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>>8480114 >oi m8, you got a loicense for that action figure there? >what do you even need all that articulation for? >tea and crumpets >pip-pip tally-ho! Anonymous
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>>8480212 Got a loose Dinobot but won't transform to bot mode. The chest doesn't lock in robot mode.
>>8465382 Has anyone gotten an email from this guy? He hasn't emailed me back at all.
>>8479096 Are you located in the US?
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>>8482981 I haven't gotten any email back, but check your paypal. He put my tracking number there.
TheMaskedWaffle !C7sHogQPVg
>>8465382 >GI Joe Hasbro Pulse Exclusive Snake Eyes: 130 Literally just got a reissue and is barely $65 or so
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Anyone have the Pulse quintesson pit of judgement for sale?
>>8483719 bullshit, where?
hddnmchn03 at gmail dot com
WTB: Marvel Legends Venompool arms/torso
>>8484004 >Hasbro pulse exclusive Where do you think
It got restocked during pulsecon
>>8484217 ah shit, didn't know about it.
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>>8478523 I just want the Doffy statue
>>8484230 You sure about that big shooter? Someone told you on reddit a few days ago and you responded to them.
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>>8484145 Also adding
WTB: Strong Guy BAF pieces
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>>8485220 I don't think the guy you're responding to is the seller
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Anyone looking to get out of the 1/4 scale TMNT figures? WTB Michelangelo like new with all accessories for a reasonable price. Mine came with a fucked up head from an international seller who won’t replace him. Sux because he’s the only one I need to complete my 1/4 turtle bro’s.
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>>8429651 Updated Imgur album all persona 5 toys have been sold! The only persona toys left are Yosuke and his persona someone come give this homophobe a home
Selling all my figures. I prefer selling in Canada, but we can see abroad. All prices listed are in CAD, and shipping not included.
See attached image for the figures and prices.
Contact: Some images here. E-mail me if you want photos of specific figures.
>>8485948 You have unrealistic prices on your figures that exceed even by Ebay standards.
>>8485948 good luck brother but half your shit is cheaper on ebay. hell, the nendo meta knight is cheaper on canadian amazon
>>8485951 >>8485957 I searched by sold prices on ebay. I can re-do the list if it doesn't work. I'll take it into consideration, thanks.
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>>8485951 >>8485957 He did say Canadian dollars. A lot of Canadian dollars translates to not as many US dollars.
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>>8485951 >>8485957 fucking kikes, you're just trying to scam, don't worry bros, he'll sell that shit like no tomorrow
>>8485948 From one Canadian to another, good luck out there. I don't think there are too many Canadians in the BST. So far, all of my buyers have been American.
>>8485980 Thanks brother.
I've sold about 5 SAO figures over facebook store, figured I'd try other places before ebay and paypal take their cut.
>>8485988 If you sell on the BST, chances are you're still gonna use PayPal, so they'll still get a cut. But one cut is better than two, I suppose. Also consider posting on craigslist & Kijiji. Take payments in cash or e-transfer only.
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>>8485998 Have it on kijiji as well. I forgot about craigslist, thanks.
>>8485948 >when you're so mad about minecraft being in smash you sell your whole display Anonymous
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>>8486002 How did you know?!
>>8485948 Your price for one Slan is on point but you are charging more for Void than shops are for it new
>>8486304 What is void going for in shops? I'll admit, I just went for the price that sold recently on ebay
>>8486363 Sure is babby's first BST in here.
>>8486363 >I'll admit, I just went for the price that sold recently on ebay You gotta look at more than one sold listing, then average it out. For good measure, take another few bucks off. I've seen sold listings with very erratic selling prices. I've seen the same thing sell for as low as $30 & as high as $90, and their conditions were very similar.
>>8486304 >>8486363 >>8486457 >>8486491 You don't gotta do shit. Your price is close enough, and if anyone wants to negotiate they can. You guys are such fucking spergs about prices here when almost anyone can be haggled or bartered with for almost anything.
>>8486513 I hope you get throat cancer.
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>>8486547 I hope you step on a needle and get aids and then someone rapes you and your family
>>8486457 And you, I hope you win the lottery and then all of it gets taxed and your wife is forced to go fuck other men for money and you kill yourself out of shame
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The real bottom line is that you don't "gotta" do anything if you don't want to. But people around here generally know where to get toys and what the fair market value is, so you will get more bites by doing your homework and setting competitive prices. Again, you don't need to, but you probably won't do as well here if you don't.
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>>8481432 Am I seeing things or is that unicorn figure articulated...?
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>>8486668 Likewise, I hope you get butt raped by a "cultured" BLM mob and are held captive, catheterized and fed only by a feeding tube for 9 months, until you give birth to the blood-and-cum-thirsty progeny of the woke horde...
...while your toys watch.
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>>8485948 >>8485960 Wise words
Don't go off sold on Ebay
Ebay is already a broken price guide and things sell for more or less than they should because it's a Global Market
Just go off Manda Price or other good sites and knock a bit if it' open or w/e
>>8429923 Thanks again anon. the Hamtaro board really does work with expo markers. 10/10 would bundle order again
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>>8487929 >>8488076 These two girls will be brutally beaten and slaughtered to death by my hands
>>8485948 Sold the Band of the Hawk Guts and Casca
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>>8488377 damn, missed out on casca, if only i wasnt a poor faggot right now
Anyone wanna buy some transformers? Hopefully my pricing is clear. First row is a dollar, next two are $3, everything in the middle group is $5, others are noted. What you see is what you get. Feel free to ask questions. Shipping to the ConUS is: $5 base price + $2 for each additional >$5 item + $1 for each additional $3 item Addons are just $1, no extra shipping. Contact me at: Only PayPal goods and services (although don't send money to that contact email).
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>>8488743 Couple more things. Same shipping rules.
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WTB Figma Saber, prefer 2.0 but it doesn't matter.
>>8486363 Void sells for around 800-900 new. I’ve seen him on mandarake last month sell for 600. But I mean if you’re asking for cannadough I don’t know what the exchange is
>>8488377 >Sold the Band of the Hawk Guts wonder if this anon regrets it seeing as the rerelease just got announced
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>>8489219 800 USD is like 1060 cad.
There has been nothing but shit being sold for the past 3 months. Get your shit together
>>8489327 it was me and i do not, i don't like the face on the repaint and the price in CAD is basically the same
Suckadelic !!jJG1T4yLAZC
Selling: shf mando $75 shipped shf deadshot.$50 shipped Both complete with box. I’ll even throw in a baby yoda for mando. Any questions email here.
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>>8490553 >Why don't you guys have better things >:(((( You're such a whiney bitch
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>>8490700 did you also buy the casca?
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>>8490833 did you lose the little part on mandos shoulder...?
>>8429651 why don't you remove the sold items rather than keep them and just adding SOLD, didn't even go through it because it looks so cluttered.
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>>8490553 I just want someone to sell some good fate figmas that I don’t have.
>>8490553 what do want me to sell?
WTS Prices include shipping. Payment can be made through PayPal. Email me with any questions! Thanks! Black Series Galaxy's Edge Hondo Ohnaka - $35 Mafex Boba Fett ESB (complete w/ stand) - $90
>>8491999 Holy shit, forgot the photo.
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>>8491480 Im lazy and planning to remake the entire thing with new pics soon
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>>8491999 trips wasted on a scalper
8Dee8 !bhME5dUDXk
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WTB shodo vol 4 Goku (Saiyan saga) if you just happen to have one Email
>>8491999 >>8492174 >Somebody actually bought that Fucking retard
>>8493190 I think you're the retarded one, that's a great price for the best Boba Fett
>>8493190 The ESB Boba typically goes for around $150 loose and upwards of $200+ in box.
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>>8496396 You gonna elaborate or just keep being a shithead
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WTB NECA movie michelangelo (6 inch scale) he's the only one of the movie turtles i don't have yet.