[61 / 15 / ?]
Why is the West so cursed when it comes to making good figures?
>90% of toy companies in the West stick to retailshit/kidshit
>The few that aim directly at collectors either use shitty gimmicks rather than just making better figures (see Mezco's obsession with overscale cloth) or just outright suck (NECA)
>Not a single company has embraced import-style jointing in spite of it being blatantly superior to "sculpted in" joints
>Nearly always use really awful, gummy, poorly finished plastic
>Almost never come with proper articulated stands
The market clearly exists or else imports wouldn't be, well, imported.
>90% of toy companies in the West stick to retailshit/kidshit
>The few that aim directly at collectors either use shitty gimmicks rather than just making better figures (see Mezco's obsession with overscale cloth) or just outright suck (NECA)
>Not a single company has embraced import-style jointing in spite of it being blatantly superior to "sculpted in" joints
>Nearly always use really awful, gummy, poorly finished plastic
>Almost never come with proper articulated stands
The market clearly exists or else imports wouldn't be, well, imported.