>>8520003Probably. The team at eOne that's assigned to Transformers media really like the designs and want to do something with them. They're really interested in doing a comedy set in the TF Universe as well, and this plays well in that wheelhouse. It always needed some sort of media to get retailers to pay attention to it. The later waves just had too many repaints and really bland colors. Series 5 is just blah. Especially compared to the creativity in the first two Series.
If they split the focus on multipack sets and 5" figures of main characters from a hypothetical media, I think they'd likely see both ranges selling well. Even if blind bags lost their current appeal, they smaller toys are a nice army builder, while you can get into that TMNT space with a 5" line.
I know Hasbro loves it's G1, but there's already going to be a kid's line for those with the new movies. Those are keeping the neo G1 Travis Knight aesthetic even if he doesn't return. The movies always have kid focused toys. Two or three waves for the theatrical tie in and another wave or two when the movie hits home digital/BR. G1 is certainly not leaving Generations or the obvious SS tie in toys either. So there's certainly room for not-G1 at retail, besides the few Bayformers and whatever side universe that will share the new Generations trilogy.
Rescue Bots Academy doesn't seem to have a successor in development yet. So there's definitely space for BotBots. They just need to get the media right.
It's not exactly a complex story. Have one of the night shift mallcops trying to catch them, but no one else believes they exist. Heck, make it Simmons from the TF movies just for the LOLs. His character would fit perfectly with that kind of story. The rest of the show writes itself.