>>8624432>Tyranids never?Correct, but not for the reasons you think.
Pic related is a 260 dollar model pre shipping.
A exocrane/tervigon is 50-80 bucks or so.
They will never release a toy hormagaunt or termagaunt for 20 bucks. That toy would have a superior sculpt, articulation, and require hours less work to prepare and get into an assembled / paintable state, to a sub-group of modellers used to being forced to convert their monstrous creatures from other, very expensive shit to have a passable army and are currently stuck with few viable options.
We may get something completely worthless for conversion purposes, however, such as a 3-armed normal-ish human genestealer hybrid, or a Magus. Even a purestrain might never happen because of the extreme value of a stripped down toy turned into parts - two types of claws, a giant torso, and giant carapace legs for 20 bucks when similar things are easily 30-50+ bucks from a parts reseller or new model kit stripped for parts.
Even a second generation hybrid (four arms) would be too valuable to modellers to allow.