Hasbro person here. Here's what to expect for 2021, at least for the Black Series:
>Lower budget all across the board. Expect more reuse and repaints of existing figures. If you like Clones and troopers, you'll be satisfied.
>TCW and Mando focus, with some PT sprinkled in. Very little OT and ST product.
>Bo Katan, Aurra Sing (TPM), and Ventress (S1 outfit) rumor is correct.
>Upcoming Mando figures include: Greef Karga, Moff Gideon, Kuiil, Death Watch Mandalorian (Exclusive), Remnant Biker Scout (Alt Deco and pouch from bike release), and a deluxe Mando (I believe with battle damaged armor) with a Blurgg
>Don't expect any season 2 characters to get figures until late next year at the earliest. Cobb Vanth and Ahsoka are locks.
>PT releases include a deluxe Captain Fordo (with both armors), Darth Sidious (Senate Duel), Yoda (PT), Saesee Tinn, Battle Droid Commander, Clone Trooper Pilot (Phase I), Clone Trooper Trainee (AOTC), Anakin Skywalker (ROTS 2.0), and Luminara Undulli
>TCW releases include a season 1 Obi-Wan, Siege of Mandalore Maul, Gar Saxon, ARC Trooper Echo and Fives, the Bad Batch, a stealth pilot, and a Bomb Squad Clone
>OT stuff is the deluxe ROTJ Fett and I believe a few more. FX-7, a Snowtrooper Commander, and Lobot were supposed to be released this year but got pushed back. It's possible they'll be released next year.
>ST releases include Ben Solo and Crait Luke
>Gaming greats is over. Possibly returning in 2022 if gamestop is still a thing.
>Weird stuff I've seen that doesn't have a release date includes a Durge, "holographic" repaint series similar to carbonized, some Jabba's palace dudes (Yak Face, Ree Yees, Barada) and a prototype of a Cal Kestis variant with some creature that I'm assuming is a fallen order miniboss (it's the troll-ish blue thing, don't know its name).