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[23 / 2 / ?]

No.8724009 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
hey /toy/, I'm not very familiar with the board or toys in general as I've never owned one or bought one, and I've got a question.
I've had pic related on pre-order from BBTS since november 19th, and at the time it said estimated delivery was fourth quarter 2020. Since then it's changed to first quarter 2021.
This is one of the only toys I'm interested in since I like Patlabor a lot. I've been trying to be as patient as possible, but I have no idea how long it takes for stuff like this to become ready to ship, and I see that the unit 1 is up for grabs right now on their store. Also, unit 2/3 is no longer on the shipping schedule at the threezero site, so they must have sent it by now to BBTS, right?
I just wanna know when stuff like this might be expected to come in. Will I be waiting another month or another 4 months? Should I just bite the bullet and get the unit 1 instead?