>>8752177I donut own a Soundwave, sir
>Slammer>have to get not one but two homos for a Metroplex I donut own>have to wait 8ever for leaks/revealsAaa
>orders and wishlists gone from amazon accountWh-what the fuck, was this shit unique to my computer that got wiped, or..? Literally just wanted to see how much time I had from my purchase. The only other option I guess is like, buying/exchanging something Siege from TRU if/when they open, but they'd likely just have late-era guys I already have..
Fuck this pandemic, I know people are doing horribly and I wish the best for them, but for me it's bad enough to be inconvenienced and lonely and miserable but not bad enough to straight up just kill me, and that's frustrating in my own way
All of which could have been avoided had I not grabbed Six-Homo, w-wait
>Return eligible through Mar 3, 2021!!!
>Brunt, Fasttrack, Ironworks, other guys I own are $30/retail price for deluxes>Snapdragon's $35, Smokescreen's $36>got Sixgun for like less than $30>snake thing's like $8Wh-what to do...
>>8752182>12 full-color, hardcover volumes at $25 eachYeah, that's not a bad price! Didn't really focus/care too much about physical copies of things but uhh...
>like having cover on display and being able to read something whenever>paranoid about bending/ruining/etc a nice copy>figure ocd would make me want to get a second copy for display/literally not touchingUh..
>ringsOhh I have those too! Those are fun.. My hands are too skeletal for them not to slide off, though..
>Flash ringDon't forget about the Lea-
Y-yeah.. ehehehe. Ended up getting those two without even really knowing what they were. Flash's one is for getting his costume, League's uhhh... not being Green Lantern?