>>8785568Amber Raptor
1) Incorrect head sculpt, the snout is off and they shouldn't have bumps on their head.
2) The Arms, both upper and lower are too short.
The hands and feet are the worst areas...
3) Hands
-The innermost fingers are shorter than the outermost, they should be the same length.
-The inner finger should be held lower than the middle finger, not above it.
-The fingers shouldn't be webbed.
-If you're going to charge Thirty Bucks for a figure at least articulate the fingers.
4) Feet
-The shins are too thin.
-The upper feet are way too thin.
-The lower part of the feet and the toes are humongous.
-The articulation joint shouldn't have been "in" the foot. There isn't a joint there in real life, they should have just had articulated toes. Compare the Indo Raptor foot sculpt to the Amber Raptor and you'll see how bad the Amber is.
5) Body is still kinda off.
6) Colors are not accurate
Neck, upper legs and tail are okay...
It's a shitty first attempt at a collector line. The Dilo has a few problems, crests too small, legs too short, feet too big but it and Ptera are better.