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/swg/ Star Wars General: You're Fired! Edition

No.8770791 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Newly Announced (Pipeline Reveals):
>Black Series
-Bad Batch Tech
-Aurra Sing
-Koska Reeves
-General Lando

New Pre-orders:
>The Vintage Collection
-AT-ST Driver (Walmart exclusive)
-Paploo (Walmart exclusive)
-Princess Leia Endor (Walmart Exclusive)
-Ahsoka Tano S7 The Clone Wars
-Darth Maul S7 The Clone Wars

>The Black Series
-Greedo Lucasfilm 50th (Amazon Exclusive)
-Obi-Wan Kenobi Lucasfilm 50th (Amazon Exclusive
-Jawa Lucasfilm 50th (Amazon Exclusive)
-Battle Droid Lucasfilm 50th (Best Buy Exclusive)
-Mace Windu Lucasfilm 50th (Best Buy Exclusive)
-Jar Jar Binks Lucasfilm 50th(Best Buy Exclusive)
-Qui Gon Jinn Lucasfilm 50th (Best Buy Exclusive)
-Bad Batch Elite Squad Trooper