>>8798509>>8798519>>8798528>>8798565>>8799053Yeah, there's nothing really wrong about Unicron. It's just minor and subjective "faults". Haters gonna hate.
For instance, if they colored the lower teeth silver, then people will bitch that the faceless skull only has silver lower teeth. If the skull's teeth are all painted, they'll say it clashes with all the blue. If the maw was all orange or yellow, they'd say it was visually boring and that given that Unicron is basically a CHUG, it didn't have to be film accurate there, especially since the rest of him isn't super accurate anyway. If the mini-figs were the ones originally shown, then they'd be too big to recreate the iconic Gal-vore-tron scene.
However, the big thing is, if all these subjective points truly bothered you to the point where you feel legitimately cheated; then you can simply flip Unicron for 2-3 times what you originally paid for it. This one point renders all the nitpicks moot.
Like, if you don't like that Zeta Unicron has potential breakage issues, the best you could do would be to break even. But taking the hassle of selling and shipping into account, you'd still be at a deficit for your troubles.
Haslab's high resale value means that there is no downside to having gotten it. And if you haven't gotten it and don't intend to get it due to all the nitpicks, then that's totally fine. Since if you buy it now, at secondary market prices, you wouldn't be able to make your money back if the nitpicks really bothered you.