This thread was derailed from the start.
As much as I had criticism of the project, I was pretty hyped for it.
I remember the debates over what would make updated Pretenders GOOD or bad. I would have taken G1 articulation with modern sculpting, or just a smaller compartment in the torso to permit greater articulation. I remember thinking the plug-on robot partners were just a waste of money at this point.
>>8817383Oh man. Here we see the flaw in attempting to save money by sharing parts between two different scale of figure. Stranglehold has short forearms and tiny hands.
>>8817484The initial offering was very limited for both attempted launches, and the stretch goals didn't do much to fix that. Made it hard for people to back more figures when there were just 2 initial molds, and everyone wanted DIFFERENT molds not offered. "If only you'd offer the CLEARLY SUPERIOR figure, I would have backed it."
>>8817645Uhg. Not for these prices, and I have no idea what the articulation is like.
Mass-released and it still ends up being more expensive than the 3rd party KS? WTF if Banzaitron twice the price of the cheapest one?
>>8818928I thought the big lesson about KS at the time was that it's only useful as an accelerator, not as your primary advertising means. All the advertisement has to come from other websites. Maybe I'm getting it mixed up with Twitch, where it's better to grow on YouTube. It was too long ago.
I love 4H for ... a bunch of their creative work, and what they've accomplished, but yeah... very flawed, sometimes fatally.
I hope we one day get the other early designs they did.