>>8832420Switch to decaf, dude, I can almost hear you grinding your teeth over the internet.
The only other place showing $15 for the MtMs is amazon, and any company they (Amazon) drop-ship for. The price change is probably in sync. Most other places (walmart, fleabay, etc,) still show $20+.
>20-25%=15And stumpy's showing about $9 on amazon, and an average of $12 elsewhere.
>12-25%=9 (discrepancy of one (1) dollarydoo)So either Amazon and Target are price-matching on these items (likely, seeing as Mattel lists both of them, and only them for retailers on their website), or I stumbled into a funny bit of happenstance, made an understandable error, and still got a better deal than average.
Either way, lay off of the mountain dew, get some sleep, and unclench your jaw.