[424 / 100 / ?]
Quoted By: >>8997658 >>8997813 >>8998394 >>8998402 >>8998997 >>8999052 >>8999132 >>8999519 >>9004221
Welcome to /motu/ General -- the most powerful thread in the universe!
>/motu/ General pastebin featuring all your /motu/ news needs! Stay up to date!
>Archived threads:
Power-Con 2021 exclusives revealed! Yes, non-attendees will be able to order them too, May 15.
>Castle Greyskull now on sale in the USA and Canada at Walmart stores and online every so often.
>Wave 5 and 6 currently on preorder at BBTS:
Wave 4 now at retail in the US!
Landshark now at retail in the US!
Target Exclusive Rise Of Evil Keldor and Kronis 2-Pack reaching Target stock rooms. Will presumably be an eBay exclusive. https://www.target.com/p/masters-of-the-universe-exclusive-2pk/-/A-81471773
Next deluxe wave is Mosquitor and Buzz Saw Hordak. Someone plucked Buzz-Saw Hordak off a peg in Hollywood, yet we STILL haven't seen Mosqy.
Mega Construx MotU Advent Calendar, Origins-scale buildable Battle Cat and a Heroes wave with Man-E-Faces/Filmation Trap-Jaw/mini-comic Roboto/mini-comic Tri-Klops/Scare Glow confirmed but not available for pre-order anywhere
Revelation prequel comic starts July 7
>Revelations toys in packaging revealed
>In the upcoming CGI cartoon, Castle Grayskull is a spooky fortress of magic and mystery for teens Adam, Teela, Duncan, Krass and Cringer to try to live in:
>Also Orko has been replaced by Ork-0
Thread question: do you play with your figures as an adult collector? If so, tell us about a pair you have interact that rarely or never have in the fiction.
>/motu/ General pastebin featuring all your /motu/ news needs! Stay up to date!
>Archived threads:
Power-Con 2021 exclusives revealed! Yes, non-attendees will be able to order them too, May 15.
>Castle Greyskull now on sale in the USA and Canada at Walmart stores and online every so often.
>Wave 5 and 6 currently on preorder at BBTS:
Wave 4 now at retail in the US!
Landshark now at retail in the US!
Target Exclusive Rise Of Evil Keldor and Kronis 2-Pack reaching Target stock rooms. Will presumably be an eBay exclusive. https://www.target.com/p/masters-of-the-universe-exclusive-2pk/-/A-81471773
Next deluxe wave is Mosquitor and Buzz Saw Hordak. Someone plucked Buzz-Saw Hordak off a peg in Hollywood, yet we STILL haven't seen Mosqy.
Mega Construx MotU Advent Calendar, Origins-scale buildable Battle Cat and a Heroes wave with Man-E-Faces/Filmation Trap-Jaw/mini-comic Roboto/mini-comic Tri-Klops/Scare Glow confirmed but not available for pre-order anywhere
Revelation prequel comic starts July 7
>Revelations toys in packaging revealed
>In the upcoming CGI cartoon, Castle Grayskull is a spooky fortress of magic and mystery for teens Adam, Teela, Duncan, Krass and Cringer to try to live in:
>Also Orko has been replaced by Ork-0
Thread question: do you play with your figures as an adult collector? If so, tell us about a pair you have interact that rarely or never have in the fiction.