>>9125482>>9122183>>9121737>>9122183>>9122333Technically speaking there is no such thing as an outright law directly saying skeletons are not allowed in media. However their laws regarding "spreading superstitions and cult worship" among other such laws are so damn broad and vague you never know HOW they will interpret it, so most companies self censor themselves before even bothering to submit to the Chinese review committee. This results in a lot of over correcting. Also, the Chinese have historically been harsher on foreign made media then domestic made in terms of the censoring, so they really have no proper true standards they follow. It all depends on who is slamming the veto stamp that day it seems.
Also I will point out they recently made some new rules for media censorship, one of which includes NO dead bodies or blood. Not even allowed to recolor the blood.
FINAL point to make, is 40k being models and figures likely are not subject to the same rules regarding video games. So we have no idea what may be going on behind the scenes, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if some elements of 40k got toned down. Especially stuff like the ecchlesiarchy
>>9122396You should heed your own advice if you googled you would have realized the commonly stated 'rule' is more of a misunderstanding of gamers not realizing the companies self censored before even asking China. The rule itself does not actually exist.
>>9122402Come on mate, custom made stuff don't count if you gonna slam on retards.