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Selling toys you love because of space issues?

No.9097589 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've sold everything I didn't really care for, all I have left is what I really love yet that's still way too many toys for the space available in my place.

How do you choose what to sell and what to keep in that situation? Again, I'm not talking about simply trimming your collection down by parting with the stuff you have less interest into, I'm talking about picking some of your all time favorites and having to say goodbye to them forever.

It may sounds like a no issue for people who are not "hardcore collectors" but I really have a passion for toys, it's not "just one of my hobbies", it's absolutely my favorite thing after my family so such decision is really important to me and I guess it's the same for at least some of you.

Buying a new place would be another solution but it would take so long I'd still have to do something for the current state of my collection anyway.