[478 / 89 / ?]
307KiB, 1283x1269, Forever-Clever-G.I.-Joe-Flying-Chopper-And-Launcher-001.jpg
Welcome to the G.I. Joe General, Yooooo Joe!
Latest News:
>Mezco Roadblock Revealed
>Forever Clever Flying Chopper Launcher found
>BBQ and Break went up on Target and didn't sell out in 0.1 seconds
Thread question:
Do you think we'll see anything new on the 4th of July?
Latest News:
>Mezco Roadblock Revealed
>Forever Clever Flying Chopper Launcher found
>BBQ and Break went up on Target and didn't sell out in 0.1 seconds
Thread question:
Do you think we'll see anything new on the 4th of July?