>>9163778So there's some good, some bad and some ugly with this lot. The good is that all parts appear to be present, save for the figs and their weapons; the one-legged Spartans is the only sign of them. Also good is that the sticker sheet, while a bit battered and with a few having come loose was complete; the canopy for the Hawk is still in its original separate bag and is thus pristine.
Getting to the bad, putting together the Banshee and turret made me wonder how the line survived its first year. The turret falls apart under a hard stare, while the Banshee was nearly as delicate throughout the building, though the final build manages to hold itself together decently enough.
The ugly concerns some of the Hawk's parts, specifically a deformed 2x6 plate (which I was able to replace from my own parts) and both of its wing pieces being badly warped. I attempted to correct them with boiling water but while one seemed to respond well, the other wasn't and ultimately snapped when I tried to force the issue. Thankfully the Anniversary re-release included these same pieces and I put in an order for one of each; the unbroken wing seemed like it might work after all but its warped area is exactly where the fanblade piece is meant to attach, which refused to do so.
I won't be able to finish building the Hawk until the replacement wings arrive but but I can get most of the rest put together in the meantime. My thumbs are rather sore from tackling those wings, sure glad I have a stretch off work to recover, heh.