>>9141475But he did have a lawsuit filed against him for raping a 13 year old in 1994.
The victim dropped the claim (during the 2016 election) citing death threats and fear for her life as the reason, so there’s no way to know if the claims were actually true. The part about his regular involvement with Eipstein during that period is readily verifiably, though of course he denies knowledge or involvement with Eipsteins crimes.
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/trump-teen-rape-allegation-national-enquirer-ronan-farrow-jane-doe-1465652%3famp=1https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000158-267d-dda3-afd8-b67d3bc00000He also has at least another 24 women who have publicly or semi-publicly accused him of raping or sexually assaulting them, including one of his former wives. Plus a number of troubling statements he’s made about his own conduct, like pageant dressing room peeking/entering stuff.
All of which is a hell of a lot more than Biden, with his frequently being overly touchy-feely with people of all ages and both genders, and the somewhat inconsistent accusation of assault by Tara Reade.