>>9160881Actually Wal-Fart had a massive clearance on Rogue One and Farce Awakens figs. They had them initially priced at $15.00, then $10.00, then $7.50, then $5.00, finally in the end they closed them out at THREE CENTS! Rey, Finn, Jyn Erso, and her clownish boytoy all dropped to $0.03!
This however was the end of stores getting bulk amounts of figures. Hasblo lost a crap ton of money, Wal-Mart lost money, EVERYONE lost money, except the people who didn't spend $20 on this garbage! But again now, especially in smaller areas, smaller towns, they get a case here and there, but we've not seen a display shipper since then. Toys R Us even had their bad luck with Rogue One. Their K2SO exclusive figure I remember seeing 30-40 on an endcap, and more in the aisle. They oversaturation on figures no one cared for killed this hobby! Now scalpers are driving in the final nail! If you miss out on a figure, WAIT! They'll re-issue it. If not? F**K it, eventually you could find it. It's not worth spending 5X's the retail price, to some scumbags who troll the toy departments like Pedophiles in a park.