>>9174950I'm sold on bigfist and Steampunkette, Not-Harley and Bandito will need new heads, but otherwise look like decent bodies for how cheap they are. The Troll will get tossed into the junk pile, but I could always use more 1:18 wrenches.
>>9175012This guy is pretty cool too, I could always use more 6" undead necromancers.
>>9175037Oh hey, I have this figure! I found her in a Gamestop one xmas for like $2 bucks and bought her just for the hell of it. I had no idea what she was from or even what her name was cause there were so many discount stickers on her box.
She's an awful figure. Like, one of the worst modern action figures I ever bought. I kinda like her *because* she's so bad, but she is *real* bad. If this is the bar for LoL figures, Spinmasters should have no problems making something better.