[414 / 87 / ?]
Quoted By: >>9256811 >>9256833 >>9256848 >>9256850 >>9256979 >>9256983 >>9257084 >>9257432 >>9258540
Welcome to /motu/ General -- the most powerful thread in the universe!
Previous Thread:>>9252648
>/motu/ General pastebin featuring all your /motu/ news needs! Stay up to date!
>Archived threads:
Leaked upcoming DX: Terror Claws Skeletor and Flying Fists He-Man
Mosquitor slowly rolling out, someone was able to get one from amazon.
New pics of Powercon Exclusives in Packaging!
Target Exclusive Battlefield Warriors slowly rolling out
Wave 2 Masterverse Photos Revealed!
Masters of the WWE ending
Exclusive Mattel Creations Scareglow sold out! Comics Tri-Klops coming soon
Contents of future waves revealed include Sun Man and comic redecos of Trap-Jaw and Stratos
Kid Motu show on Netflix 09/16/21 https://youtu.be/ZXApnj-ztIE
Status of MCX:
MOTU Mega Construx leaks from Deep Discount:
Land Shark, Slime Pit and "Hordak Strikes" construction sets.
Slime Pit pre-order is only $10.34, while Land Shark is $26.24 ... that shouldn't be any bigger than the $19,99 MSRP Battle Ram, so I hope there's a third figure and other goodies.
"Hordak Strikes" shows an MSRP of $29.99 ... I have no idea what that's going to entail: just figures like the $19.99 5-pack? Figures with buildable Mantisaur?
Thread Question: Are you gonna buy anything from the NF kids line?
Discord: https://discord.gg/qKK3SsDMwe
Previous Thread:>>9252648
>/motu/ General pastebin featuring all your /motu/ news needs! Stay up to date!
>Archived threads:
Leaked upcoming DX: Terror Claws Skeletor and Flying Fists He-Man
Mosquitor slowly rolling out, someone was able to get one from amazon.
New pics of Powercon Exclusives in Packaging!
Target Exclusive Battlefield Warriors slowly rolling out
Wave 2 Masterverse Photos Revealed!
Masters of the WWE ending
Exclusive Mattel Creations Scareglow sold out! Comics Tri-Klops coming soon
Contents of future waves revealed include Sun Man and comic redecos of Trap-Jaw and Stratos
Kid Motu show on Netflix 09/16/21 https://youtu.be/ZXApnj-ztIE
Status of MCX:
MOTU Mega Construx leaks from Deep Discount:
Land Shark, Slime Pit and "Hordak Strikes" construction sets.
Slime Pit pre-order is only $10.34, while Land Shark is $26.24 ... that shouldn't be any bigger than the $19,99 MSRP Battle Ram, so I hope there's a third figure and other goodies.
"Hordak Strikes" shows an MSRP of $29.99 ... I have no idea what that's going to entail: just figures like the $19.99 5-pack? Figures with buildable Mantisaur?
Thread Question: Are you gonna buy anything from the NF kids line?
Discord: https://discord.gg/qKK3SsDMwe