>>9262173Since mods didn't delate this thread yet I assume this is the official thread now
here's the info
>>9259779>>9259982>Upcoming ReleasesSS Deluxe Bumblebee
SS Deluxe Jolt
SS86 Deluxe Gnaw
SS Voyager Thrust
SS86 Voyager Wreck-Gar
SS Leader Grindor w/Ravage
SS86 Leader Slug
>AUGUSTTitan Autobot Ark
Gen Selects Transmutate
MPM-12 Optimus
>Walmart exclusiveNetflix Spoiler pack Megatron+Skullivore 2 pack
>shared exclusiveBeast Wars Vintage Optimus Primal
Beast Wars Vintage Megatron
Beast Wars Vintage Cheetor
Beast Wars Vintage Rattrap
>OCTOBERMP-52+ Thundercracker
Voyager SG Megatron
Deluxe Tricranius Fire Blast Collection
PF BB Bumblebee
PF Siege Optimus
MP-54 Reboost
Gen Selects Artfire
>Amazon exclusiveGrimlock and Mirage 2 pack
Sideswipe and Skywarp 2 pack
>Target ecxlusiveDeluxe Road Rage
>DECEMBERGen Selects Black Zarak
Deluxe SG Goldbug
Voyager SG Starscream
PF Siege Megatron
PF BB Optimus
>JANUARYMP-52+ Skywarp
Commander SG Jetfire
PF Movie Megatron
PF Siege Ultra Magnus
>FEBUARYMP-55 Nightbird
>TBDDeluxe Waspinator
Deluxe Pipes
Deluxe Shadow Panther
Deluxe Slammer
Voyager Tigatron
Kingdom Redalert (US)
MP-56 Crosscut
PF Movie Ratchet
PF Siege Starscream
SS86 Perceptor
SS86 Starscream
>Pulsecon exclusiveWFC Covert Agent Ravage